Thursday, June 16, 2011


Booked again! It's always rewarding to be booked- again- by a producer. Being booked again means that:
1. You don't completely suck.
2. They like working with you.

I always feel so blessed to have befriended the producers that I have. They are all so creative and really embrace what burlesque is about. In the last few weeks I have learned a lot about getting booked and staying booked and one of the number one things I have learned from numerous producers is that it all boils down to whether or not they like working with you and whether or not other producers that they know like working with you. Hard work and talent pay off but not as much as being a joy to do a show with. There is a great section in Jo Weldon's The Burlesque Handbook about burlesque etiquette... if you are new and haven't read it... you SHOULD! Buy it here!

She goes over basic etiquette and dealing with different issues that may arise in the world of burlesque. She also does this in a shortened format at her blog Daily Burlesque Blog by Jo Weldon.  For an example, the other day I was at a fabric shop on Broadway and mentioned that I was a dancer, the owner asked me if I knew James Habecker and Jo Boobs- I said I did know them... but they probably didn't know me (working with that many dancers over so many years- they have no idea who I am!). You see, it isn't who you know- it's who knows you! This is important! Because how somebody acknowledges knowing you speaks volumes about you. If they roll their eyes and snort when asked about you- don't expect to get booked by the producer that spoke to them, but if they smile and say, "yes, I know her, she kittened a show I was in a few months ago, she's delightful"- then you are golden!

Striving for excellence is important, but your routine is really not as important as who you are and how you are to work with, your routines can be workshopped, cleaned up, and tweaked but no one wants to try to workshopping your personality flaws. Professionalism and authenticity will get you a hell of a lot further than scheming, exhibiting diva-like behavior, and acting entitled to a spot in the limelight because you showed up. All the actively working burlesque performers/producers/kittens/go-go dancers worked very hard to get where they are and want to be treated professionally and with the respect that they have earned. If you can master that, you too will be treated with respect and professionalism... and best of all... you'll get BOOKED!

Speaking of being booked, my calendar is starting to pick up! Woot Woot!  I have Luvely Rae's One Night Stand next week, The New York School of Burlesque Showcase this weekend, I'm marching in Coney Island's Mermaid Parade, Gogo/Kitten at Parkside Lounge's Drive Thru Burlesque next month, and Appearing again at Kitty Nights in August! Whew!  

1 comment:

  1. Right on! A good feeling right? Ah, to be booked. You're exactly right. They like you and want you back. And more don't totally suck.

    Congrats on all the work!
